We predict you’ll fall in love this fiction excerpt of “Wrangled by Lilith,” a sweet romance set in the Texas Hill Country by writer Remi Carrington (a.k.a. Pamela Humphrey).

In the truck, I’d barely buckled in when she started lecturing. “I don’t need you paying for my food.”
“Didn’t think you did.”
“Then why did you do that?”
I shot her a sideways glance, wanting to see how she’d react to my answer.
She probably wouldn’t like it.
“I like to call it being nice.”
Arms crossed, she stared out the window. “As soon as I get a job, I plan to pay you back and pay rent for that cabin—that is, if your boss will let me stay.”
The rest of the trip, she stayed quiet.
This drive during the day was impressive and scenic. At night, she probably wondered where I was taking her.
When I turned down the narrow road, headed toward the ranch, she leaned forward. I wound my way through the hills, swerving to avoid potholes. I’d driven the road more times than I could count. The further we got from the main road, the more pensive she got.
“There really is a ranch. You’ll see a winery on the right when we come over the hill.”
“I guess it’s nice having wine close.”
I turned into the ranch and drove under the big metal arched entrance.
She glanced around. “I can’t wait to see this ranch when the sun is up.”
“Most beautiful place in the world if you ask me.” Minus the years I was away going to school, I’d spent all my life on this spread of land, and I loved it, every inch.
The cabins were tucked away, out of sight of the main house, but not far from Ava and Clint’s places.
I hoped Lilith would feel safe. I had no doubt she’d be safe, but that wasn’t always the issue. Feelings sometimes trumped reality.
“Do they rent out these as vacation cabins?”
“Nope.” I wasn’t keen on the idea of having strangers trekking around the ranch. That begged the question of why I’d invited the redhead to the ranch. And I hadn’t figured out the answer yet.
“Are there only these three?”
“There are cabins for the ranch hands and a fishing cabin near the creek. It’s clear at the other end of the ranch. But no one goes there.”
“Why not?”
I shot her a look, hoping she’d understand that I had no interest in discussing it.
She didn’t miss a beat. “They have animals here? Horses, cattle?”
“Yep. And a few cats and a red heeler named Blue.”
“Blue? Why would—never mind. Think the owner would mind if I took pictures of the animals and the ranch?”
“That’s fine.”
“I’d feel better if you asked him. Just to be sure.”
“I’ll do that and let you know in the morning.” Three cabins came into view, and I stopped in front of the one-bedroom cabin that was all lit up. “This is it.”
“Where do you live?” She glanced around.
I hoisted her bag out of the bed. “I like to be better acquainted before I take ladies to my place.”
“That’s not what I meant.” She grabbed my arm again. “Don’t make it sound like—”
“Like you can’t keep your hands off me?”
She jerked her hand away and opened her mouth.
“Hello!” Ava saved me from a tongue-lashing. “Beau, you carry those bags in, and I’ll make sure our guest gets settled.”
I nodded and wandered into the cabin.
The two women were about the same age, but beyond that, they were as different as night and day. Ava carried a few extra pounds and always wore a smile. She cooked better than anyone
I’d ever met, and she’d do anything for someone in need.
Lilith, on the other hand, though not skinny, looked fit as a fiddle, and if I had to guess, those done-up nails hadn’t seen hard work. As far as smiles, I had counted one in the time we’d spent together. Maybe one day I’d discover if she could cook. I imagined she could roast almost anything quite well.
The ladies stepped into the cabin, and after setting the bags on the bed, I lingered in the bedroom doorway, listening.
“The bed has fresh linens. Bathroom should have most of what you need. The shampoos aren’t fancy or anything. I can bring you breakfast in the morning if that works.” Ava tugged open the fridge. “Beau can run you into town tomorrow to get whatever you need.”
“Thanks. This is great. Much better than a hotel room.”
“There’s a pool at the main house. I’m sure the owner won’t mind you using it. Well, I think that’s everything. I wrote my cell number down on the notepad over there. So, darlin’, if you need anything, you just let me know. Call or text.” Ava flashed one of her signature smiles.
“Thank you so much.” Lilith added to her smile count.
I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to poke the bear a little more. “Now that doesn’t seem quite fair. I call you darlin’ and get snapped at. She calls you darlin’, and you’re as sweet as pie.”
“Why are you still here?” Lilith fixed her dark gaze on me, which I didn’t mind in the least.
“Is it that ladies can call you darlin’, but guys can’t?”
How would she respond to that?
She turned toward Ava. “He’s a smart one, isn’t he?”
“Beau is good people. Aren’t ya, darlin’?”
I took off my hat and bowed. “I try my best.”
“You two have fun. I’ve got some knitting to do.” Ava giggled.
“Oh, we aren’t—he just …” Lilith gave up trying to explain when Ava didn’t stop walking away. Lilith turned and focused on me. “About my car.”
“I’ll get the belt in the morning when the store opens, then go fix it.”
“What time will you pick me up? I want to go with you to my car.”
“I’ll be by about seven.” I stopped in the doorway. “You don’t like me much, do you?”
“Don’t take it personally.”
I couldn’t remember when I’d been so entertained by female company. Stepping onto the small porch, I glanced up at the sky. “Beautiful moon tonight.”
Leaning over the rail, she looked up. “The sky is dark. There’s no moon.”
“It’s there. You just can’t see it.” I tipped my hat and climbed into the truck. “Night.”
Want to read more about this story and these characters from the Stargazer Ranch series? Check out “Wrangled by Lilith” by Remi Carrington (Amazon Affiliate Link).